Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Whine Whine Twang Twang

An open letter to the CEO,COO and non-Nashvillian board members of the Nashville Predators.
First of all, let me make perfectly clear that I adore the team. In fact I would bake cookies any day for Pekka Rinne. Most everyone on the team is absolutely awesome! The coaching staff? Well? Well, the are ok, also. But-- there is something that bothers me a lot that I need to GET OFF MY CHEST. It's the constant pushing of Country Music that the organization seems to be doing. As a 71 year old native, I can assure you that not everyone enjoys listening to or watching Cotton-Eyed Joe being performed by the Deliverance Gang on the jumbotron! For years, Nashvillians of my generation pretended Country Music did not exist or just wished it would go away. Unfortunately, money was more powerful and the Hillbilly pushers won. Now Hillbilly CRAP is on every block of lower Broad. It is a shame the Predators' Organization does not realize what an embarrassment this is for many. People far and wide poke fun at us and believe the people of Nashville are all Redneck Hillbillies. When in reality most of the talent originating in Nashville goes far beyond Country Music.
Just take a look around the city at all the museums, private galleries, opera, ballet,the symphony and many many other things Nashville has to offer. Then please cut out some of the Whine Whine Twang Twang and let the rest of the Hockey World know what we are really all about.
By the way, before all of the WWTT Nashville was called the Athens of the South.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Stanley Cup Rant

Although it has been a few days since the Stanley Cup finals, I am still fuming over the Blackhawks' win. I probably should say the Marian Hossa win since he is really the reason I was again cheering for an Eastern Conference team instead of a team from the Western Conference.

All I have to say is Marianne PLEASE retire! You've finally got what you set out for. Go back to Slavakia and get out of the US. Most Americans are sick of listening to you whine and looking at your warty face. Maybe people in the Chicago area don't feel this way but I have to wonder how some of some of your teammates really feel about the contract that you landed with their team. If I were Kane, Sharp, Toews and a few others I'm sure I would not be too happy.

I'll say it again Marianne Hoser please retire!! You have the ring. You have your name on the Cup. Now it's time to go home.

By the way, congratulations to the rest of the Blackhawks. I really pulled for you guys last year in the playoffs over Detroit. Too bad 2008-09 wasn't your year.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hockey Rant for April 9.2010

My hockey rants for the 2009-10 season have been limited to my own family's ears. I am not only driving them crazy but all of this pent-up frustration is making my blood pressure rise and my whole demeanor to seem cranky and mean.

My first and foremost rant is how much I dislike Coyotes. And I don't mean the four legged ones who have migrated from the Western U.S. and taken up residence in our beautiful hilly Middle Tennessee countryside. No, I mean the NHL franchise in Arizona.

Why do I dislike this team so much? Especially since Scottie Upshall and Vern Fiddler, two players I like and respect so much, are on this team. Maybe it's more of a case of frustration instead of dislike but I'll try to explain.

I have heard that since the Coyotes have been declared bankrupt that the NHL has taken over ownership of the team. If this true, then I suppose every NHL Franchise in the U.S.A. and Canada are technically the owners of the Coyotes. And I do sympathize with their money problems.

This brings me to reason number one for my displeasure. This team is acquiring high priced players with high priced bonuses while other teams supporting them are struggling to acquire players on the cheap. They seem to be reaping big rewards at all the other teams expense. Is this right?

Which brings me to number two, the way they are ranked for the playoffs. Since they are owned by every franchise, should they even be allowed the privilege of being in the playoffs. This seems almost like a conflict of interest to me!

Third and the most compelling reason of all is their creepy coach! He could barely contain his laughter when players were injured when they played here in Nashville on March 25th. I don't mean just the players on the opposing team but when a Coyote player was injured as well. Believe me I'm not the only person who noticed this and mentioned it. You were caught on camera more than one time, Mr Tippitt.

After all of this ranting, I have to say that I am sure there are a lot of wonderful people and Coyote fans in Phoenix and all over Arizona as well. As I said earlier, I do sympathize with their problems and frustrations. After this season is over no matter how it ends,I hope this ownership thing gets solved and things work out in their favor. Something certainly needs to be done soon. This is totally unfair for everyone.

Tune in tomorrow for why I believe some Nashville Predators get lazy when they are ahead.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bad Jersey Mojo

I swore I would never again write another hockey blog, but after last nights Predator-Blues game here I am blogging again.

First of all for an organization who is constantly poor mouthing, I don't understand the expense of a third jersey. I know, I know it's to make money from Pro Shop sales. I certainly hope they make enough money to warrant the expense. And I'm sure they will, what do I know.

I guess my real gripe is that I really have bad vibes concerning the jerseys. When I first saw them last night, I told Jas that I really didn't like them. She said, "why not, I think they are neat."I just said," well I certainly hope they make it to number eight wearing them."

The truth is they remind of the old Dallas Cowboy unlucky navy jerseys of the '70's. The ones that the Washington Redskins always finagled them into wearing. Remembering those days, I could not even watch the rest of the game after SL scored their first goal.

Anyway, let's hope the real reason for losing the game was the Preds had too much uh, Thanksgiving turkey the day before and the jerseys had nothing whatsoever to do with the results.

But, just to be on the safe side Preds, I really wish you would go back to wearing your old jerseys and back to your old winning ways.

Good luck Preds. I wish you the best. Um, maybe I'll burn a candle for you tonight.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hockey in Nashville

Several years ago I worked for a popular tourist attraction here in Nashville. Some of my favorite guest were from Canada. They were the most delightful, best mannered and kindest people I have ever encountered.They were so interested in our southern culture and always said how much they loved visiting the U.S. and the Nashville area in particular.Also. we have an NHL team here which is comprised mostly of Canadian players. These guys and their families are great. also.Most of them have stated how much they like living here and they are very active in community outreach.We love our Preds and want them to stay! Therefore, we certainly understand how people in Canada who have lost their hometown teams can be upset over losing them. But, remember , you have to support what you have or you will lose it. That goes for any sport. They will go where the money and support is.That said,I do not understand why Canadians or at least some Canadians think Pred's fans are their enemies. What happened to all of those great people from all over Canada that I used to talk with who liked us so much? We are supporting an expansion team , not one we "stole" from you!Oh, I know some will probably say hockey is a Canadian sport and I can appreciate that. Well, baseball is supposed to be an American sport but it huge in Japan and I have never yet heard anyone complain about that. For that matter I've never heard anyone say anything negative about the Blue Jays being in Toronto. It really does bother me that people from two civilized countries on the same continent can resort to such pettiness and name calling . If everyone would get out and support a team in their area then hopefully everyone would soon get a team in their own hometown or state or province or whatever and everyone would be happy again


p.s. Oilers please keep your hands off of our Tootoo !

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hockey Rants for June 20,2009

Gosh! I thought I was through ranting about hockey for at least four month.Then what happens? I find myself watching the awards program and who should "hog " the stage but Ovegetable! Jeese, what is it with you Guys? Do you think he is God? Quite frankly, I usually think of him as a real smart-ass with a bad haircut, a huge nose , a snaggle tooth grin and a real show-off on the ice. I'm sure he could not avoid losing the tooth but with his salary he surely can afford a dentist and a good hair stylist. You know the saying "what happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas. Maybe one of the casinos will offer him a job as a dealer or working a game table and he will decide to stay!
Another annoying thing about the show was Kevin Smith! He really needs to button his lip and sit down!
And then there there were the boys from Beantown. Do they ever know when to stop? Even their coach! They go on and on and on! No wonder they were not Stanley Cup recipients. They probably cannot stop talking long enough to concentrate on the game!
Of course, the highlight of the evening was our own, Steve Sullivan! He took the stage, made a great speech, thanked everyone and sat down. You are a real classy guy, Sully! Congratulations! You certainly deserved to win. We think you are one of the best and hope you never want to leave Nashville!
I guess that just about wraps up my hockey rants for now. Maybe I'll find another subject just as annoying as Marianne Hoser, Ovegetable and the rest of the gang. If not, I'll see you back here in the fall for '09-'10 hockey season .
My sincere congratulations to all of the award winners!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hockey Rants for June 14, 2009

CONGRATULATION PENS! You have made me a very very happy person! Congratulations Geno! You deserved to win the Conn Smythe award! Congratulations to the entire Pens team and staff! Especially Max Talbot!I knew in my heart you could do it! I had a gut feeling everything would go well for you guys. I was thinking back to the Eastern finals in the Reds Arena and I knew you could win if you had the desire to do so , and I believed you wanted the Cup as badly as I wanted you to win it.
I though it would be so great so see the expression on Marian Hossa's face as he shook hands with his former teammates and realized too late he had chosen the wrong team! Well, actually I felt a little sorry for him. Although, he said he had no regrets, that is a little difficult to believe. Who is going to admit to a mistake involving the contract he turned down to try to win the Cup , only to possibly lose everthing in the end. Good luck to you, Marianne Hoser!
As for Chris Osgood, he is a cocky sort of guy who is easy to dislike. I 've seen comments made that he is washed up and needs to retire. Maybe that is true. He has had his ups and downs this season but he did help lead the Wings to the finals. He's also very sympathetic to losing goalies and is always complimentary to other teams and players. So good luck to you Osbad!
Mike Babcock is an extremely talented and successful coach and I'm sure his future in Detroit is very secure. Good luck to you anyway,Babs!
As for the Wings' fans I only appologize to a handful. Why!? There are only a handful of nice Wings' fans.Most are bad sports and crybabies. I am sure it was hard to lose the Cup but hey, the Pens deserved it. So why be so rude?I'm sure the Wings will bounce back just as strong for the new season.
Actually, I am very anxious to get back to watching our Predators again! I certainly hope everyone will return to the team! And- after wating NBC and Versus (especially NBC) I realize how very much I miss Pete and Terry!